14.5 km ~ 20,491 steps
Song of the Day: Take Your Time – Vance Joy
So today was different to say the least. After a rough night in our tent (the wind was so strong the fly flew right off and we ended up freezing all night). Once I had finally dozed off, I decided to sleep as much as I could so we didn’t start walking until around 9, after all our new friends had left us. The day was hot again and shadeless as we made our way into Los Arcos.

We had a nice lunch, charged my phone since it had died after our powerless night in a tent, and debated our next move. I was supposed to be heading on our side trip to Bakio in two days, but that would be cutting my walking time close. I was torn between wanting to walk on as far as I could, staying the night in Los Arcos, or taking a taxi to Logroño from there. Did that make me a bad pilgrim? Not a true pilgrim?
As I debated, I took the chance to explore the church here in Los Arcos. It was my first time into a church on this journey since I always had Maverick with me. But I tied him just outside and wandered into the small cathedral. It was incredible. Truly, even now as I write this months after completing the Camino, I still hold this tiny cathedral in Los Arcos as one of my favorites, if not my ultimate favorite church of the whole trip. Maybe it was because it was the first one I went in. Or maybe there’s just something special here in Los Arcos. But it truly was something.
After taking my time here, I decided to bite the bullet and call a cab. And so, Maverick and I taxied on to Logroño. Call us fake pilgrims, oh well. We walked in from the train station of Logroño so we knew where it was when we needed to catch our train to Bilbao tomorrow. Then we found a hostel that allowed dogs and checked in before wandering the old part of Logroño.