The Photos of Con el Perro
Thanks for visiting this page to see the full color photos from Con el Perro. I hope you enjoy!
Photos from the first insert

Leaving Saint Jean Pied de Port on Day One

The infamous sign in Roncesvalles

Center portion of the pilgrim statue on Alto de Perdón

Puente la Reina

Looking up from the bottom of the steps in Fuente de los Moros

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

Enjoying wine country in La Rioja

Always following yellow flechas (arrows)

Modeling somewhere between Agés and Burgos

Feeling like ants beneath the towering walls of Burgos Cathedral

Clip-clopping along la Meseta in booties

Following more flechas, this one in the lovely town of Castrojeriz

Early mornings on la Meseta

Endless wheatfields can be pretty...sometimes

Halfway point just before Sahagún

Intricate details of the Astorga Cathedral

My favorite fountain along the Camino

The most magical morning at Cruz de Ferro

Leaving behind more than just a stone at Cruz de Ferro

Thriving in the mountains after leaving Cruz de Ferro
Photos from the second insert

Enjoying the cooler weather we found after la Meseta

Never pass up a chance to cool off in a good drainage canal

Views of the Valcarce Valley from the alternate route

Quiet moments after the steep climb up to O'Cebriero

Some peaceful miles through the mountains

Officially only 100 km left before Santiago

One of the many holloways we walked through in Galicia

Giving some love to pilgrims of the past just before reaching Santiago

Entering the city limits

Only slightly different than the sign we saw in Roncesvalles

Forty days later and we had finally arrived

I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone else

But the journey wasn't over...What it looks like to lug around Maverick's food

Still basking in embarrassment as we crossed Ponte Maceira over the río Tambre

Sometimes he walks by my side instead of chasing butterflies or fetching sticks

One of the many stone markers we followed throughout the entire Camino

On the wild shores of Muxía

Swimming together in Finisterre

And just like that, our journey has come to an end

Sunset from the end of the world
Thank you so much for coming along for the journey of Con el Perro.
I hope you've enjoyed the time you spent walking beside us and getting to see Spain through our eyes.
- Colby and Maverick