23.7 km ~ 33,390 steps
Song of the Day: All In – Lifehouse
Today, I took my time to breathe in and out. To really look at Maverick and think about him, and appreciate him. At the end of the day, we stopped and had a rest with a couple who are walking with their 1 and a half year old son. We laughed about how having him with them truly gives the highest of highs and lowest of lows. While I in no way will claim to know how hard it must be to walk with a baby, we had some pretty similar sentiments.

Some days you cry and want to quit and just go home tomorrow. Some days you’re so tired and frustrated and snap and then feel bad because he didn’t mean it, he’s just a baby. And all the time, we think how lucky we are to be having this experience with him.
Maverick can teach me a lot. He reminds me how easy it is to brush off the bad things. How quickly he bounces back if I yell at him. How soon he’s running after a butterfly after acting like taking one more step would kill him. He reminds me how it’s okay to just sit down, or even lay down, anywhere. How it’s just as nice to take a long nap as it is to take a long walk. He makes me stop to smell the roses. He makes me laugh. He makes me whole.