20.5 km ~ 28,908 steps
Song of the Day: Until the Sunrise – Timeflies
Started off with quite the nice hike this morning, loving the start in the dark and getting to see the sun rise on the Meseta. Though, after hours of wheat fields I find they’re not as pretty as they are in first light 😂
Met some amazing people today – from the lovely café person who fed Maverick scraps and came out to the patio with a giant tub of water for him to the wonderful people of En El Camino in Boadilla where we are lucky enough to stay tonight and the great pilgrims we got to eat dinner with.

Every day is something new here
We eventually checked into the albergue, where they set us up with a mattress on the floor in a lobby area of the albergue so we wouldn’t be disturbing other pilgrims in the bunk rooms. Not that they actually minded, everyone was loving on Maverick as he ran around the gardens here.
A young couple arrived and immediately the girl came over and asked “is this Maverick?!” I figured she must have heard other pilgrims talking of the dog on the camino so I didn’t think much of it when I told her it was indeed. But then she surprised me by saying, “I follow him on Instagram! I knew we’d be catching up with you guys soon from what you had been posting!”
Turns out my dog really is way more famous than I could ever be.

So many familiar faces ended up staying at En el Camino, including Trish and Lily, two of our favorites. Even with the insane storm that came in the afternoon and flooded our sleeping area since there was a hole in the ceiling, we still loved our time here. We met even more people, a group of young people from Australia who had been walking together since day one who we ate dinner with. The food was amazing, the staff incredible, and the company even better. What a great day.